Monday, January 4, 2010

Keys to Happiness what can these be? Do I know for sure? Um not really but I know that there are things that I want to do and things I am going to do in 2010. All of them are not major but they are things that will make me happier and that is the goal of this right? So the list begins...

1) Cooking through G. Garvin's cookbooks (I heart him as a chef! His personality and energy alone make you want to cook the food)

2) WRITE MORE AND TALK LESS- I talk alot but I am not a talker for some reason. My pen is my sword and one thing I have noticed is that I am unhappy when I am not writing

3) Leave work at work--I take alot personal but what am I stressing over? As long as I do my job, there should be no worries.

4) Stop taking my metabolism for granted-I need to work my lazy buns out more. It will help with my energy and my health.

5) Love harder- speaks for itself

6) Sight see-I have not ever really seen NY and I want to

7) Save money--I have to shake this shopping demon! LOL It's genetic I swear--these posts will be hilarious

8) Find new creative expression-maybe I should go back to singing

9) Say whats on my mind-I internalize way more than I should

10) Take a dance class--I think I really want to

11) Stop wearing black so much-geez I know I have clothes in other colors (hard habit to break)

12) Start the plan for my non profit (already on this)

13) Fill up every single notebook in my house (I have 35 of them)

14) Drink more water (I am so bad at this)

15) Take chances (I used to be a risk taker--the stories I could tell LOL but it got lost somehow, here we shall start again)

16) Let go of old baggage-some people will not make it in 2011

17) Take time for myself- I never ever do this, but that will change

18) See a broadway play--need to get this one done soon

19) Read 50 + books this year!

20) Finish my novel (this goal will get done this year)

21) Search new sites on the web--im sure there is some great stuff out there--great finsds will be posted!

Most importantly

22) Let go and let God-im not in this by myself

I am sure these goals will be modified at some point. This is a lenghty list to start but ready or not, here I go!!!

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